2022: Summer Reading

This summer has been used to spending time outside and having fun reading whenever the chance and motivation were up for it.

I managed to get through some books that I enjoyed reading and learning from this summer.

Listed in the order I read the books (no rating).

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance


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The Ethical Algorithm: The Science of Socially Aware Algorithm Design

Book Cover

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Helgoland: The World of Quantum Theory

Book Cover

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One of my absolute favorite authors.

Sea of Tranquility

Book Cover

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Grensen: En reise rundt Russland gjennom Nord-Korea, Kina, Mongolia, Kasakhstan, Aserbajdsjan, Georgia, Ukraina, Hviterussland, Litauen, Polen, Latvia, Estland, Finland og Norge samt Nordøstpassasjen


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